Is Truth Subjective or Universal - Channeled explanation by Archangel Michael

Is Truth Subjective

“The divine light” aspect explained by Archangel Michael

Now remember, all truths are subjective for individuals. What matters is - What makes you feel “expanded”?

What makes your heart open?

What resonates with you?

What brings you joy?

What brings you relief?

Those things bring you closer to Source. So any information that expands you or your consciousness, that brings you relief, joy, peace, solace, or calmness is truth for YOU. Those are truths that bring you in connection with the source aspect within you.

So those are things that expand your divine light.

If you have to refer physically to what “divine light” means- in your aura, there are many layers. We are not going into the details. But one of the layers is where all the information exchange happens. It's called the mental body or the mental aura, which is one of the layers of your aura.

So when you are listening to information from others, or when you're reading a book, or when your spirit guides are dropping downloads into you, the mental aura is what receives the information.

So when you are “illuminated”, meaning when you have an ample amount of divine light, you will experience an ease in understanding people and things, meaning you will be less and less triggered when people do things that are not in accord with what you want.

Because you can understand why they are behaving the way they are behaving.

You will not feel panic so much in your day-to-day life, because the divine light aspect allows you to have certain understandings about yourself and the universe that brings you in alignment with Source. You know that you will be able to figure things out.

You will have a deeper understanding of everything that you see.

Scientists who go deep into understanding the reality of nature or investigating biology or anything - have the divine light aspect in ample amounts because they are looking for the truth. So when you have an ample amount of divine light, you will experience great clarity of thought and intelligent and smart actions.

You'll be able to understand things very easily instead of it being repeated. Many times you will understand things in the correct way, which is a very important aspect of divine light, and accurate perception in your society.

There is a lot of misinformation floating around in your social media, mainly because of a lack of divine light.

Because most people will listen to spiritual teachings and misinterpret them into some version of their own because they lack the divine light. And this is how misinformation spreads. And this is a problem.

This is the reason why in ancient times, your spiritual teachers would be very secretive about spiritual teachings because of this reason.

They did not want people who were not spiritually evolved or whose divine light aspect is not that evolved to listen to such teachings and make a wrong idea out of it or a wrong interpretation out of it and then spread it around. Because wrong information is harmful. It harms others in ways that you cannot imagine - because it takes people away from Source.

They make decisions in their lives based on wrong information that can do them harm. So “accurate perception” is a function of having an ample amount of “divine light”, which is important, especially for spiritual teachings that you understand things correctly, which is nourishing not only for you but also for others.

This excerpt was taken from the session: Balancing Divine Light, Love & Power Aspects Within You

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I help 500+ people looking for meaning & greater truths of life find it within themselves. I am a coach, healer and a vocal channeler. Love yourself, become self aware and shift to a happier life using the spiritual truths I channel from divine beings. What you will get from me: * Channeled Wisdom: I channel non-physical beings like Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Extraterrestrials (Arcturians, Sirius, Star Phoenix), Dragons, Lemurians, Archangels Michael & Lucifer, etc. Receive divine knowledge about structure of the universe, parallel realities, metaphysics, E.T.s & open contact, spirituality and using technology for spiritual ascension. * Actionable Self Healing & Personal Development tools: I teach how to heal the body using self love, self awareness, self forgiveness and letting go of negative emotions. * Supportive community: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your curiosity. My channelings are ideal for you if you seeking alternative solutions after conventional methods have failed. This isn't just self-help, it's a paradigm shift. Join me and co-create a future of harmony & loving kindness.

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